Competition in Public Speaking and Oratory Skills
Rhetoric is defined as the art of effective and persuasive speaking. It is a skill which, regardless of inborn talent, requires some extra efforts in order to be fully mastered. Therefore, we organize preparatory classes at our Faculty before the competition for all students who wish to improve their oratory skills.
During these preparations, students learn about the basic principles and requirements of public speaking, which should help them tackle any challenge related to performing in public.
At the last year's competition in public speaking and oratory skills, besides the students of the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad, there were other participants, namely, high school graduates from "Isidora Sekulić" Gymnasium in Novi Sad, "Živorad Janković" Gymnasium with the student residence in Novi Sad, "Laza Kostić" Gymnasium in Novi Sad and the Gymnasium of Karlovci. In this way, the Faculty has chosen to cherish the tradition of oratory speaking and to teach university students and high school graduates to appreciate and develop it.
Every year, our highly competent jury decides on the winner of the competition. Last year, the jury consisted of the following members: Vanja Čobanov, a writer, Nenad Pećinar, a leading actor of the Serbian National Theater, Ass. Prof. Dejan Sredojević, Ph.D., a professor of Diction at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, prof. Milorad Bejatović, Ph.D., Vice-Dean for Teaching at the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad, prof. Zdravko Jež, Ph.D., a professor of Rhetoric at the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad and prof. Marko Carić, Ph.D., President of the Jury and General Manager of the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad. The winners of the competition were awarded valuable prizes.
Each year there is also a carefully chosen artistic program to contribute to the atmosphere. At the last year’s competition we had the pleasure of listening to a vocal group called “Music of the Heart”, a professional orchestra called “Banatska rapsodija” with the violinist Flavius Danica, as well as the children's choir of the music school called "Music Harmony".