On 23 November 2010, the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary of the University Business Academy in Novi Sad (in further text: the Faculty) signed the cooperation agreement with the Higher Court in Novi Sad, which involves the organization of student internship in the domain of Criminal Procedure Law, a course taught by Ass. Prof. Jelena Matijašević, Ph.D.
On 23 November 2010, the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary of the University Business Academy in Novi Sad (in further text: the Faculty) signed the cooperation agreement with the Higher Court in Novi Sad, which involves the organization of student internship in the domain of Criminal Procedure Law, a course taught by Ass. Prof. Jelena Matijašević, Ph.D.
Rhetoric is defined as the art of effective and persuasive speaking. It is a skill which, regardless of inborn talent, requires some extra efforts in order to be fully mastered. Therefore, we organize preparatory classes at our Faculty before the competition for all students who wish to improve their oratory skills.