Goals and Tasks of the Faculty

Goals and Tasks of the Faculty

Any higher educational institution needs to have its established main tasks and goals in accordance with the goals of higher education, as prescribed by law.

The main tasks of the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad have been aligned with the Law on Higher Education (“The Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia”, no. 76/05) and the established mission and vision of the Faculty. These main tasks show a social justification of the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad and its units located outside the main seat (i.e. main Faculty building) of the institution, namely, in Šabac and Subotica.

The following goals and tasks reinforce the purpose of the existence of this higher education institution, determine and direct its future development and represent one of the main components of institutional identity for the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad and its educational units in Šabac and Subotica:

  • Transfer of scientific and professional knowledge;
  • Scientific development and improvement;
  • Production of new generations of academics and professional experts;
  • Giving an opportunity to all individuals to acquire higher education under equal conditions and to educate themselves continuously in life (i.e. lifelong learning);
  • Contribution to creating the society of knowledge;
  • Meeting the needs of clients i.e. students.

The main tasks of the Faculty and its units have been established by the Faculty management, i.e. the Faculty Council, upon proposal of the Teaching Council. The main tasks of the Faculty are public and available to all employees (by e-mail), students, users, including the general public through the Faculty bulletin board, web-page, information leaflets and brochures.

The main goals are in alignment with the main tasks of the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad and its higher education units in Šabac and Subotica. They have also been harmonized with the established vision of the Faculty, defining the desired outcome which the institution aims to achieve. The established goals at the same time ensure the successful accomplishment of Faculty mission. The mission implies a process of transition from the present state to the projected future destination, with the specific results which the Faculty strives to achieve. At the same time, these goals represent the key parameters for controlling the quality of its work. The direction and the very essence of this journey have been defined by the implementation of specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound goals (SMART):

  • Wide-range harmonization with the highest national, European and world standards and trends in the domain of higher education following a proactive approach;
  • Achieving a unity of education and scientific/research work;
  • Integration of scientific knowledge and teaching processes using joint resources, esp. in the field of economics and engineering management in biotechnology;
  • Permanent scientific development and improvement based on the current scientific findings;
  • Continuous professional development of all employees, which implies research;
  • Continuous analysis and revision of content of the existing study programs, with the purpose of innovation and harmonization with the latest scientific achievements and ongoing educational trends so that students can gain the appropriate scientific and professional competencies and skills;
  • Application of best practices from the home country and abroad in all fields and work processes, but especially in terms of the teaching process, research and management;
  • Constant improvement of the Quality Assurance System;
  • Regular and systematic monitoring and improvement of the quality of study programs, teaching processes, research and professional work, assessment of student work, textbooks and literature, resources, administrative staff and management system;
  • Establishing the culture of continuous quality improvement at all levels of the Faculty and its educational units, including the role of students as partners i.e. stakeholders in the process of quality improvement;
  • Establishing the relationship of trust in the quality of services provided by the Faculty and its educational units through transparency of their work;
  • Cooperation with partner institutions, maintaining and expanding the network of international higher education and other institutions;
  • Permanent focus and activities directed towards meeting the needs of clients i.e. student needs.

The main tasks and goals of the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad are applied to the higher education institution in its seat, as well as educational units located outside the seat of the institution.

All activities at the Faculty and especially the development and creation of study programs as one of the key segments of the educational process, have been aligned with the established vision, mission, quality policy, key tasks, main goals and the strategy of quality assurance at the Faculty.

The Faculty periodically analyzes and revises its main tasks and goals through an internal control mechanism, and the obtained results are subsequently observed and analyzed by the Faculty management. The results of this process represent an important input for the planning process as well as for the allocation of resources at the Faculty and its constituent units. Namely, the main tasks and goals, and other strategic documents have been harmonized with the financial framework of the Faculty and its constituent units and the allocation of resources and plans for future development are contingent upon evaluation results of each part of the Faculty.
